3 Quotes & Sayings By Nicolenya Caltman Nik

The author, Nicolenya Caltman "Nik" was born and raised in the country. She spent most of her life in small town in the U.S., and the last 10 years living in a tiny village in Mozambique, Africa. She now resides as a digital nomad in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Her work as a writer started at an early age with her first short stories, which were published in magazines and newspapers Read more

As she grew older Nicolenya's writing style evolved from short stories to novels and finally into self-help books. Her story of how she got into writing and how her journey led to where she is today is an inspiring one.

I have feelings from my soul that sometimes supersedes my...
I have feelings from my soul that sometimes supersedes my humanness. Nicolenya Caltman Nik
About the subject of love. You know? People have it all wrong. It isn’t about What one can bring you, or do for you. Love isn’t about being even or keepingscore. It’s not even about respect…even respect; carries with it limitations. It is allabout inner strength. The inner strength to lose all pride and ego…and allow yourself to be completely, totally, and utterly…vulnerable. To allow the rippingapart, the bleeding, the complete shedding of one’s skin…so that you are availableto submit to your partner. Submitting…it’s not a weakness. It is the ultimate in strength. When one submits, they are saying;” I am imperfect, you are imperfect. Your imperfection is beautiful to me and I choose to only love you.” There is no greaterstrength. It is the ultimate in respect, reverence, adoration. There is no greater gift. Nicolenya Caltman Nik